How do I allow members to upload a document upon registration?

Adding the option to upload a document or photo to registration form

Clubs and associations have the option to allow members to upload a specific document or photo within the registration form that will, once registered, be uploaded onto the members profile.

These two fields can only be found within the set up the registration form itself and will need to be configured to display on the form.

1. Log into your club/association database

2. Go to Registrations > Registration forms:

3. Click Edit within the relevant registration form

4. Click the Fields tab:

5. Scroll down to the bottom of the list to find the Photo and Documents fields and change the configuration of the field/s you want to include on the form:

- Hidden- Won't be visible on the form

- Editable- Will be visible on the form but members have don't need to upload anything if they choose not to

- Compulsory - Will be on the form and members must upload a file before they can continue through the form

Note: The maximum limit for document upload files is 5MB

6. Click Save