Association and Club-level administrators have the ability to manually create Teams in their Passport database, which can then be used in competitions, registrations and more.
Note: Each team must belong to a club in order to be recognised when creating competitions and generating fixtures. If you are an Association administrator, please ensure that clubs have been set up in your database before adding teams
Step 1 (optional): Configure your team fields
Before you create a team, it's a good idea to configure the fields you want to capture against the team record, if you haven't already done so. This can be done using the Field Configuration functionality, following the steps below:
In the top-right corner of your database, click the Settings Cog > Settings (if at Association-level) > Field Configuration > Team Fields > Apply the relevant display settings for he fields you want to capture > SAVE OPTIONS
Step 2: Head to the Team list
In the left-hand menu, click TEAMS
Step 3: Add the team
Click on Add in the top right corner. Enter the details for the team, then click UPDATE TEAM
Note: If you are unable to see this option, your sport may have disabled this permission for your hierarchy level. As such, please contact your governing body for more information