How do I grant administrator access to a specific Venue?

Adding users to a specific venue

You are able grant users access to a certain venues to be able to enter match results where once logged into their profile they can enter any results that have been played at this venue. This provides associations another option to grant admins access to enter match results along with club and team admin users.

  1. Log into the association/league database
  2. Competitions > Venues
  3. Under the Users tab select users

     4. Enter the email address of the user you want to grant access to:

Note: The user must have a passport account, if they do not have one, one can be created via

How Users can access this view

1. Log into your passport account via

2. Select Results Entry and Live Scoring

3. Select the venue you have access to

If you are a venue admin user and have any questions related to your venue access, please speak to your association directly who can assist you.

NOTE: administrators with venue access are unable to input QUICK RESULTS if enabled, they can access pre-game and post game but do not have the ability to input quick results.