Bulk Competition Updates


How do I generate fixtures in bulk?
The Bulk Fixture Generation menu will allow you to create/setup your fixtures for your competitions on bulk by a season. 1. Hover over Competitions and click Bulk Fixture Generation.   2. Select which Competition Season you’d like to gener...
How do I make bulk changes to my matches?
The bulk match change function allows bulk changes to be made to fixtures to a single specific competition or across multiple competitions in the database.   1. Hover over Competitions and click Bulk Match Change. 2. At the next screen...
How do I refresh Finals Eligibility data in bulk?
Bulk Rebuild Player Finals Eligibility Associations now have the ability to rebuild the finals eligibility for players. If an association/team/club notices that a player does not appear in the team listing when viewing the pre-game section of match...
How do I refresh Statistics data in bulk?
The Bulk Stats Rebuild and Player League Stats menu will give you the functionality to refresh the player stats within your database. This process will only need to be used if the player statistics displaying on your website don’t reflect the stats...
How do I make bulk changes to my Competition details?
You'll notice now in your database when you click through to your Competitions page there is a 'Bulk Competition Change' link at the top of the page (as below). The basic premise for this functionality is that if, for example, you have 15 competit...