How do I link a Team form with a Member form?

Team & Member Registration

With Passport Registration Forms, team managers can register a team directly into a competition or to the Association, who can then assign their team to a competition. During the same registration process, they can also invite their friends to join the team through a linked member form.

Here's an example of how it works:

  • John, a team manager for his social team, visits a website and sees an invitation to enter a team into a competition.
  • John clicks on the link and is taken to a Team to Association registration form
  • Since John has never played before and wants to play with friends, he chooses the New Team Registration option
  • John fills out the form and selects the competition he wishes to join
  • After reaching the summary screen, John can add the email addresses of his friends who will also play on the team
  • Once John clicks Invite Teammates Now, he can exit the form. Each friend will receive an automated email inviting them to join the team
  • John's teammates click the link provided in their emails, which launches the linked Member to Team registration form
  • John, as the team manager, receives a different automated email prompting him to register with the team

Linking Team Forms to Member Forms

This process can be configured through the Registration Forms functionality in Passport. Here's how to link these two forms:

1. From your Association database, click Registrations > REGISTRATION FORMS in the left-hand menu

2. Click on ADD NEW FORM and create a Team to Association form and a Member to Team form

3. EDIT the Team to Association form

4. Locate the field titled Member Form for users to register to teams and select the applicable Member to Team form