How do I find a list of Umpire Codes for the Courtside App?


If referees do not remember their Umpire Codes when confirming games through Courtside, Association/League administrators have the ability to report on the unique codes that referees have for the current season


Step 1: Navigate to your Reports dashboard

From your Passport Association database, select REPORTS in the left-hand menu

Step 2: Run a Season Referee Codes report

In your Reports dashboard, select the Courtside category > find the Season Referee Codes report > click RUN

Note: This report will run based on the current season your association has set. If no referees codes appear in this report, it means that your association does not have any registered referees for your current season, so you will need to register at least one referee to the current season to be able to see a code here.

Step 3: Use the Umpire Password data to distribute the relevant code to each referee

The Umpire Password column will contain each registered referee's code to confirm their matches in Courtside
