How do I grant a user with access to my database?


Existing Passport administrators can authorise other users to have access to their database and any levels below it in a hierarchy through the User Management feature. There is no limit to the number of administrators that can be granted access to a database.

Note: GameDay is not authorised to grant user access to Passport databases. User access is managed and granted by your sport. Please contact your sporting body or organisation directly to be granted access.


Step 1: Access User Management

From your Passport dashboard, click the Settings Cog, then select USER MANAGEMENT.

Step 2: Enter the New User's Email

In the Grant A User Access section, enter the email address associated with the new administrator's Passport account.

Note: In order to be authorised as an administrator, an individual must have a valid Passport account. Please read the article below for further instructions on signing up for a Passport account:

How to Sign Up For Passport

Step 3 (Optional): Set Restricted Access

If you want this administrator to have restricted functionality, tick the box next to RESTRICTED ACCESSFor more information on the changes this option enforces, please read the Restricted Access article.

Step 4: Add the New User

Click ADD to grant the user access to the database.

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