How do I download the GameDay App?


The GameDay App allows sport fans all over the world to follow their favourite teams and competitions, view fixtures, results and ladders, and explore player and team statistics.

Administrators using Passport to run their competitions can easily publish their competition information to the GameDay App using the Publish to Web function.


Download the GameDay App on Android devices

  1. Open the Google Play Store from your device.
  2. From the Google Play Store homepage, type GAMEDAY APP into the search bar.
  3. Select GAMEDAY APP from the list of options.
  4. Select INSTALL from the application page

Download the GameDay App on iOS devices

  1. Open the App Store from your device
  2. In the Search menu, type GAMEDAY APP
  3. Select GAMEDAY APP in the list of options
  4. Click the INSTALL button

More Information

Once you have installed GameDay App, please see our GameDay App articles for operation instructions.