Refund Reporting


If you need to pull a report of any refunds you have processed through your Passport database, you can do so by adding refund-related fields onto a Transaction Report.


Step 1: Open the Transaction report

In your GameDay Passport database, go to Reports > Finance > find the Transaction report, then click CONFIGURE

Step 2: Add any refund-related field to the report

In the Refunds tab, you will find some refund-related fields that you can add to the report. You can add fields to the report by clicking the + button on the left-hand side to add each field into the Selected Fields section.

Tip: If you want to refine the list to only show transactions that have been refunded, apply a filter of 'Is Not Blank' on any of the refund fields

Step 3 (optional):Add any other fields you might want to report on

In the Details tab, you can add any other transaction-related fields to the report if necessary

Step 4: Run the report

Once you're satisfied with your report, click RUN REPORT, and it will open in a new tab

Step 5 (optional): Export and/or save the report

You can export your report by setting the Report Output to 'Email', then choosing CSV as the file format and entering your email address in the space provided - Learn More

If you want to save the report to use on an ongoing basis without having to rebuild the whole thing again, you can use the save option at the bottom of the report builder - Learn More
