How do I manage Course enrolments?

View Members

Please note: For this task you will need to have members registered a course. You can do this via the public course finder or at course level with the database by going to Coursesand then clicking on the register link for the course and completing registration.

From Centre Level -  Go to 'Courses'.


1. To view members currently registered to the course click on 'View Members'.


2. On this screen you can withdraw users who no longer will take part in the course by click 'Withdraw'. 


View Expressions Of Interest (EOI)

Once a course has reached its maximum participants the public course finder will switch from a “Register” option for the course to a “Register Interest” button where users can register their details in case of an opening or a similar course is available.

From Centre Level:

1. Click 'Courses'.

2. Click 'View EOI' for the relevant course.

3. A list of members will appear.