How do I create a Fixture Template?

Fixture Templates allow you to define the format of a fixture, including the number of rounds, the number of matches in a round, team matchups, and finals progression rules.

As an administrator, you can create as many different Fixture Templates as required and apply these templates to different competitions.

Fixture Templates are an extremely useful way of automating the fixture generation process by applying a structure that can be re-used across your competitions and seasons; however, you can still make manual updates to your fixtures after they are generated.

To create a Fixture Template:

1. At Association level, click the Settings Cog icon and select SETTINGS

2. Under the Manage Competitions menu, click FIXTURE TEMPLATES

3. Click ADD

Tip: To quickly create a new template based on an existing fixture, you can click View Template > Copy Fixture Template on an existing fixture template to clone the details of that fixture into a new template.

4. When creating a Fixture Template, you can define the following parameters to refine the structure of your fixture:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Type: Choose between Normal, Finals or Knockout-style templates
  • Number of Teams: The maximum number of teams to be included in this Fixture Template
  • Number of Rounds: The total number of rounds to be generated in this fixture

5. In the Template field, you will need to define the structure of your fixture, following a specific line-by-line format for each round:

Line 1 should indicate the Round Name

Line 2 should indicate the number of matches in the round

Each line in the round thereafter should define the match number and which teams play each other in each match, based on the team number

Repeat this process until you have a completed template for each round within the fixture.

6. Once you're happy with your Fixture Template, click UPDATE FIXTURE TEMPLATE

Once you've created a Fixture Template, you can apply it to your competitions:

1. Click the Competitions menu, then select List Competitions

2. VIEW a Competition

3. EDIT the Competition Configuration

4. Scroll down to the Templates section and select a Fixture Template

5. Scroll to the bottom and Click UPDATE COMPETITION