How do I register as a Team?


If you're a Team Manager looking to register your team for a certain sport or competition, you can register your team using the steps below.

Note: If you are unsure whether the Association to which you want to register is offering team registrations, please contact the Association directly, as they will be responsible for creating an distributing team registration forms


Step 1: Choose whether you are a new team or a returning team

On the first page of the registration form, you can choose between three options:

  1. My team is registered in this league/association, and I know my team code and password: Use this option if you have registered before and are re-registering within the same league/association. For example, you may be registering for a different competition, a new season or purchasing a new product. Selecting this option will prompt you to enter your team code and password, which you would have received when registering your team for the first time
  2. I would like to request my team code and password: Use this option if you are a returning team, but you are unsure of your team code and password, which is required in order to register for your existing team
  3. New Team Registration: Use this option if you have never registered your team for this league/association

Step 2: Answer the required questions

Next, you will need to complete the form questions defined by your Association. This may include selecting a competition to register into, and/or entering your team details, contact details, preferred venues

Step 3: Make payment (if required)

If your Association has included a product to be purchased, you can make your product selections, enter promo codes (if available) and make payment through the form's online payment gateway
