Fixure Grid - ability to filter by club and competitions
With the new upgrades to the platform, league/association administrators now have the ability to filter the fixture grid to see games for teams within a specific club as well as games for a specific competition/s.
Clashes will still be recongised however you won't be able to see the game/s that may be clashing due to filtering, so once you have input the games, your best option will be to display the fixture back to all competitions/clubs and check the fixture grid to see what games are clashing.
Administrators now have the ability to filter the fixture grid to only show games for teams within a specific club. At the top of the fixture grid administrators will have a drop down option to filter to a specific club, which will in turn display the fixture for all the teams in that club. Once the club has been selected click the refresh button to reload the grid.
When filtering by a specific club, the fixture grid will only show the allocated teams - all unallocated teams (regardless of the club) will still display due to not being allocated as admins still need the ability to view all unallocated games in order to fixture them correctly.
(In this example, the Eltham Saints club was filtered and the fixture grid now shows those teams allocated to the fixture grid who are part of that club)
Administrators now also have the ability to filter the fixture grid for a specific competition, if they would to only adjust or view the fixtures for one specific competition/s. One or more competitions can be selected to display on the fixture grid. Once one or more competitions have been selected, click the refresh button to reload the grid.
When filtering by competition, only those competitions in the current season will be displayed, so be sure the season setting for your association is set to the correct season.
(In this example, we will filter the fixture grid to only display competitions for the Summer 2019 Men's A Grade competition).
Before you will see all competitions being displayed on the fixture gird:
After the Summer 2019 Men's A Grade competition has been selected, it only displays those matches for that competition:
Note: after selecting a competition, the matches in the fixture grid will show the abbreviated name for the competition, that was listed for the competition when setting it up.