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User Management
Field Configuration
Age Groups
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FAQs & Troubleshooting
Membership Management
Custom Fields
Duplicate Resolution
Clearances, Permits and Transfers
Salary Cap
Pre-Competition Setup
Competition Setup
Manage Competitions
Profile Settings
Send a Message
Manage Custom Groups
Sent Messages
Registrations Setup
Payment Configuration
Promo Codes
Registration Forms
Programs & Courses
Report Builder
Admin Reports
Clearance Reports
Club Reports
Competition Reports
Contact Reports
Finance Reports
Member/Participant Reports
Team Reports
Tribunal Reports
Course Reports
Venue Reports
Contract Reports
GameDay View
GameDay View
Standard Websites
GameDay App
Member Profile
Schedula | Administrators
Schedula | Officials
GameDay App
GameDay App
Courtside App
Courtside App
GameDay Marketplace
Team App
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Rugby League
NZ Tag
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Getting Started
Organisation Admin
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Clearances, Permits and Transfers
Salary Cap
Pre-Competition Setup
Competition Setup
Manage Competitions
Profile Settings
Send a Message
Manage Custom Groups
Sent Messages
Registrations Setup
Payment Configuration
Promo Codes
Registration Forms
Programs & Courses
Report Builder
Admin Reports
Clearance Reports
Club Reports
Competition Reports
Contact Reports
Finance Reports
Member/Participant Reports
Team Reports
Tribunal Reports
Course Reports
Venue Reports
Contract Reports
GameDay View
GameDay View
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Schedula | Officials
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GameDay App
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Courtside App
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General Information
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Getting Started
Organisation Admin
User Management
Field Configuration
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General Settings
FAQs & Troubleshooting
Membership Management
Custom Fields
Duplicate Resolution
Clearances, Permits and Transfers
Salary Cap
Pre-Competition Setup
Competition Setup
Manage Competitions
Profile Settings
Send a Message
Manage Custom Groups
Sent Messages
Registrations Setup
Payment Configuration
Promo Codes
Registration Forms
Programs & Courses
Report Builder
Admin Reports
Clearance Reports
Club Reports
Competition Reports
Contact Reports
Finance Reports
Member/Participant Reports
Team Reports
Tribunal Reports
Course Reports
Venue Reports
Contract Reports
GameDay View
GameDay View
Standard Websites
GameDay App
Member Profile
Schedula | Administrators
Schedula | Officials
GameDay App
GameDay App
Courtside App
Courtside App
GameDay Marketplace
Team App
Sport Specific Advice
Rugby League
NZ Tag
Sport-Specific Configurations
General Information
System Status
Getting Started
Passport Account | Overview
Organisation Dashboard | Overview
Log In
How do I sign up to Passport?
How do I login to Passport?
How do I reset my Passport administrator password?
How do I update my Organisation Logo?
How do I update my Organisation Details?
How do I add Organisation Contacts to my database?
How do I recieve payment and registration notifications?
How do I add a database Welcome Message?
Online Learning
Support Widget
Resource Centre
GameDay Community
Manage Your Account
Organisation Admin
User Management | Overview
Field Configuration | Overview
Clubs | Overview
Teams | Overview
Managing Clubs
How do I add a new Club?
How do I edit a Club's details?
How do I login to a Club database?
Managing Teams
How do I create a new Team?
How do I edit a Team's details from Club or Association level?
How do I assign members to Teams?
How do I view the members in a Team from Club or Association level?
How do I find a Team Code from Association level?
How do I find a Team Code from Club level?
How do I find a Team Code from Team level?
User Management
How do I grant a user with access to my database?
How do I grant Restricted Access to a user?
Field Configuration
How do I configure Gender Identity fields for my hierarchy?
How do I create Seasons?
Age Groups
How do I create Age Groups?
General Settings
How do I enable Dark Mode?
How do I manage my Lookup Information?
How do I check an organisation's Process Log?
How do I update an organisation's Permissions?
How do I create a Fitness Test?
Manage Finances | Overview
Financial Settings | Overview
Manage Finances
How do I see a list of my organisation's transactions?
How do I see a list of my organisation's settlement payouts?
How do I see the details of a specific settlement payout?
How do I generate a tax invoice for a settlement payout?
How do I export a settlement payout?
How do I reconcile funds received with my settlements?
How do I issue a refund?
Financial Settings
Setting up your Stripe Account
How do I set up my Stripe account through Passport (Australia)?
New Zealand
How do I set up my Stripe account through Passport (New Zealand)?
United Kingdom
How do I set up my Stripe account through Passport (United Kingdom)?
How do I set up my Stripe account through Passport (Ireland)?
United States
How do I set up my Stripe account through Passport (United States)?
Hong Kong
How do I set up my Stripe account through Passport (Hong Kong)?
How do I set up my Stripe account through Passport (Singapore)?
How do I set up my Stripe account through Passport (Other)?
How do I edit my Stripe account details?
How do I edit my bank account details through Stripe?
How do I add a second bank account through Stripe?
How do I nominate my Bank Account for settlements?
How do I update my organisation's bank details?
How do I set my Refund Period?
Finance Reports
Transaction Report
Refund Reporting
Promo Code Discount Report
Active Kids Vouchers (AKV) Report
Funds Received Report
Quick Report | Funds Received
Quick Report | Transactions
Additional information on items purchased with product
FAQs & Troubleshooting
Stripe Financial Settings | FAQs
Managing Finances | FAQs
BECS Direct Debit | FAQs
Member Records | Overview
Custom Fields | Overview
Member Profile | Overview
Membership Management
Member List
How do I change the fields that appear on my Member List?
How do I update a Member's Active Status?
Member Records
How do I add a new member?
How do I search for members in my database?
How do I edit a member's details?
How do I view a member record?
How do I enable a field to show on member records?
How do I mark a member as a duplicate?
How do I cancel a member's transaction?
How do I mark a member's transaction as refunded?
How do I de-register a member?
How do I manually register a member to a season?
How do I view/edit a member's season history?
How do I view/edit a member's club history?
How do I add a document to a member's record?
How do I add a profile photo to a member's record?
How do I view a member's statistics history?
How do I see a log of changes made to a member record?
How do I hide a member record from public display?
How do I log an injury report on a member's record?
How do I log a concussion to a member's record?
How do I find a member's unique QR Code as an administrator?
How do I record a Fitness Test against a member record?
Bulk Processes
How do I roll-over members to a new season in bulk?
How do I rebuild/refresh player career statistics in bulk?
How do I manually add a payment to a member's record?
How do I view the details of a member's transaction?
How do I cancel a member's transaction?
How do I mark a member's transaction as refunded?
How do I delete a transaction from a member's record?
How can a member pay for an unpaid transaction?
Custom Fields
How do I create custom fields at Association-level?
How do I create Unlimited Custom Fields (UCFs)?
Duplicate Resolution
How do I merge duplicate member records?
Clearances, Permits and Transfers
How do I search and request a clearance by organisation?
How do I search and request a clearance by member name
How do I search and request a clearance by National Number/Member ID?
How do I approve or deny a clearance?
How do I cancel a clearance?
How do I apply clearance rules to my organisation?
How do I define clearance reason/denial options?
Clearance/Permit Process
How do I view a list of clearances for my organisation?
Clearances List Overview
How do I re-send a clearance email to a member?
How do I transfer members between clubs in bulk?
How do I add an Accreditation to a member record?
How do I define my Accreditation Levels?
How do I define my Accreditation Providers?
How do I define my Accreditation Statuses
Salary Cap
How do I upload Salary Cap information?
How do I add a new Contract to a member?
How do I add documents to a Contract?
How do I grant Contract access to administrators?
How do I allow organisation contacts to receive Contract notifications?
How do I access a member's Contract history?
How do I approve a submitted Contract?
How do I define Contract Types?
How do I lock/unlock a Contract?
Members | FAQs
Concussion Management | FAQs
Competitions | Overview
Competition Templates | Overview
Statistics Templates | Overview
Managing Competitions | Overview
Match Results | Overview
Pre Game | Overview (Desktop)
Live Scoring | Overview
Post Game Match Results | Overview (Desktop)
Post Game Match Results | Overview (Mobile)
Publish to Web | Overview
Bulk Competition Updates | Overview
Official Allocation | Overview
Pre-Competition Setup
How do I create a Fixture Template?
How do I create a Ladder Template?
How do I create a Statistics Template?
How do I create a new Season?
How do I create new Age Groups?
How do I create custom Competition Types?
How do I create Venues?
Competition Setup
Competition Setup Checklist
Which type of competition should I use?
How do I create a new Competition?
How do I copy an existing Competition?
How do I generate a competition's Fixture?
How do I generate a Fixture using Venue Time Allocation?
How do I edit a Competition?
How do I create a Pools Competition?
How do I set up Progression Rules in my Pools Competition?
How do I import a fixture to a competition?
How do I rollover my competitions to a new season?
How do I create a Knockout Competition?
How do I enable a Cup Tied rule for my competition?
Manage Competitions
Bulk Competition Updates
How do I generate fixtures in bulk?
How do I make bulk changes to my matches?
How do I refresh Finals Eligibility data in bulk?
How do I refresh Statistics data in bulk?
How do I make bulk changes to my Competition details?
Manage Fixtures
How do I create a Fixture Template?
How do I apply Exception Dates to my Competition Fixture?
How do I use the Fixture Grid?
How can I resolve a clash in my fixture?
How do I generate a Finals Fixture?
How do I redraw a fixture using Fixture Equalisation?
How do I redraw a fixture from a specific round?
How do I manually add a new round to my fixture?
How do I delete a match from a fixture?
How do I manage Catch-Up Rounds?
How can I assign another Association's venue to a match in my fixture?
How do I edit a match in my fixture?
How do I filter matches in the Fixture Grid?
How do I update Fixtures from Club-level?
Manage Match Results
Configuring Match Results
How do I enable Clubs and Teams to enter Match Results?
How do I lock Match Results entry for a Competition?
How do I make a match day form compulsory for a competition?
Match List
How do I enter Quick Results?
How do I enable Dark Mode in Match Results on a Desktop?
How do I enable Dark Mode in Match Results on Mobile?
Pre Game
How do I select players for a Match (Desktop)?
How do I select players for a Match (Mobile)?
How do I allocate Team Staff to a Match (Desktop)?
How do I allocate Team Staff to a Match (Mobile)?
How do I print a Team Sheet?
How do I mark Player Attendance with a QR Code (Mobile)?
Troubleshoot | I Can't Find a Player on my Team Sheet
How do I find a player's match attendance details?
How do I reset a match?
How do I use Player Points Allocation in a competition?
How do I lock Player Point Allocation updates?
At Game
How to track a game online using Live Scoring
Post Game
How do I add a Concussion record to a match?
How do I mark a player as 'Did Not Play' in a match?
Using Match Confirmation to verify your match results
Manage Ladders
How do I create a new Ladder Template?
How do I configure and apply my Ladder Template to a competition?
How do I rebuild Ladder information in bulk?
How do I make a Ladder Adjustment?
How do I update a Ladder's Team Inclusion Configuration?
How do I add a Head To Head field to my Ladder?
How do I reset the For/Against information on a Ladder?
How do I apply a Margin of Victory Cap to my Ladder?
Manage Teams
How do I manage Team Passwords?
How do I assign default player numbers to members?
How do I regrade teams between competitions?
How do I apply Finals Eligibility settings?
How do I assign a coaches and managers to a team?
How do I allow teams to compete across different Associations?
How do I move teams into a new season's competition?
How do I add teams to a competition?
How do I remove teams from a competition?
How do I apply a team's Default Venue?
How do I modify my default team list?
How do I assign default Team Staff roles?
Manage Venues
How do I create a new Venue?
How do I grant administrator access to a specific Venue?
Manage Web Display
How do I enable competitions to be published to my Passport Website?
How do I disable competitions from being published to my Passport Website?
How do I publish competition information to my Passport Website?
How do I hide competition rounds from my Passport Website?
How do I hide matches from my Passport Website?
How do I find live scores on my Passport website?
Manage Match Day Reports
Match Day Reports & Votes
How do I submit a Match Day Report?
Manage Media Outlets
How do I create a new Media Outlet?
How do I generate a Media Report?
Manage Awards
How do I create a new Award?
How do I make Award votes compulsory?
How do I enter Award votes (Desktop)?
How do I enter Award votes (Mobile)?
Manage Participants
How do I assign members to a Team?
How do I add a Tribunal record to a member?
How do I report on players that have played more than once in a week?
Manage Statistics
How do I create a Player Round Statistics template?
How do I create a Team Match Statistics templates?
How do I create a Player Match Statistics template?
How do I create a Player Competition Statistics template?
How do I create a Player Career Statistics template?
How do I refresh Player Career Statistics data?
Manage Officials
How do I login to Passport as a Match Official?
How do I allocate Officials to matches?
How do I copy Official Allocation Configurations?
How do I activate an Official Type?
How do I submit a Match Day Report?
How do I enter results as a Match Official?
How do I enter Award votes as a Match Official?
QR Code Attendance Tracking | FAQs
Communications | Overview
Communications Profile | Overview
Profile Settings
How do I create an SMS Account and purchase credits?
Send a Message
How do I send a message to my participants?
How do I send an email to my participants?
How do I send an SMS to my participants?
How do I send a Member Renewal Email to my participants?
How do I send a Team Renewal Email to team managers?
Manage Custom Groups
How do I create Custom Communication Groups?
Sent Messages
How do I see my organisation's history of Sent Messages?
How do I create a custom Opt-In?
How do I update my Opt-In preferences?
How do I send a Secondary Communication to Opted-In members?
How do I report on member Opt-In responses?
How do I access a member's Opt-in Unsubscribe URL?
Communications | FAQs
Registrations | Overview
Financial Settings | Overview
Products | Overview
Registration Forms | Overview
Promo Codes | Overview
Locator | Overview
Transactions | Overview
Registrations Setup
Registrations | New Season Checklist
How do I nominate my Bank Account for settlements?
How do I assign my Current and New Registration Seasons?
How do I create a Product?
How do I report on funds my organisation has received?
How do I allow the use of Active & Creative Kids vouchers?
How do I restrict registrations by Age Group and/or Gender?
Payment Configuration
How do I nominate my Bank Account for settlements?
How do I update my organisation's bank details?
How do I create a Product?
How do I copy a Product?
How do I create a Merchandise Product?
How do I add an image to my Product?
How do I apply group discounts to my Product?
How do I set a Default Registration Product?
How do I remove product items from a product?
How do I disable Membership Period Renewal Emails from a Product Owner?
Promo Codes
How do I create a Promo Code?
Registration Forms
How do I create a Registration Form?
How do I edit a Parent Body Form?
How do I create a Team Registration Form?
How do I link a Team form with a Member form?
How do I assign a Registration Form Type when creating a new form?
How do I add products to an existing Registration Form?
How do I apply a colour palette to my Registration Forms?
How do I view the front-end of my Registration Form?
How do I show or hide a field based on another field response?
How do I make payment compulsory on my Registration Form?
How do I add availability dates to a registration form?
How do I set up conditional product rules on my Registration Form?
How do I allow members to upload a document upon registration?
How do I add my organisation contact details to my Registration Form footer?
How do I download my Registration Form QR Code?
How do I manually add a payment to a member's record?
How do I delete a transaction from a member's record?
How can a member pay for an unpaid transaction?
How do I set up my organisation's Locator?
How do I open my front-end Locator?
How do I link a Registration Form to my Locator?
How do I adjust my organisation's pinned address on the Locator?
How do I enable contacts to appear on my Locator?
How do I create an Event product?
How do I create an Event Registration Form?
How do I create an Event?
How do I view Event registrations?
How do I report on Event registrations?
Registrations | FAQs (Administrators)
Promo Code FAQ's
Active & Creative Kids Vouchers | FAQs
Programs & Courses
Programs | Overview
How do I create a Program Registration Form?
How do I create a Program Template?
How do I create a Program?
How do I copy a Program?
How do I open my Program Locator?
How do I access my Program registration link?
How do I add a logo to my Program Template?
How do I manually add a participant to a Program?
How do I send an email to Program participants?
How do I send Program Renewal emails to participants?
How do I transfer a participant between Programs?
How do I withdraw a participant from a Program?
How do I view a participant's Program registration history?
How do I access a participant's Program certificate?
How do I report on Program participant details?
How do I enrol in a Program?
Course Management - National Level
How do I create a Course Registration Form?
How do I create a Course Template?
How do I add a Course Module?
How do I approve a Course Accreditation?
How do I report on Course history?
How do I manage access to Course Templates?
How do I generate Course Renewal Invoices?
How do I send Course Payment Reminder Emails?
How do I cancel a Course Renewal Invoice?
Course Management - Organiser Level
How do I create a Course?
How do I copy a Course?
How do I open my Course Locator?
How do I set the price of a Course Product?
How do I manage Course enrolments?
How do I send an email to Course registrants?
How do I send a Course EOI email?
How do I withdraw a participant from a Course?
How do I transfer a participant between Courses?
How do I add products to a Course?
How do I mark off Course attendance?
How do I create a Course EOI?
How do I create a Course Product?
Reports | Overview
Report Builder | Overview
Report Builder
How do I filter a Report?
How do I modify the sorting/grouping options on a Report?
How do I export a Report?
How do I save a Report?
How do I add a link to Member Records to a Report?
Admin Reports
Quick Report | Passport Reports
Clearance Reports
Advanced Clearances Report
Club Reports
Advanced Club Report
Competition Reports
Advanced Fixture Report
Match Player Stats Report
Match Staff Report
Quick Report | Milestones
Match Official Payment Reports
Match Official Allocation Reports
Played more than one game in a week
Reporting on Games Played by Season
Player Statistics Report
Players Assigned to Teams
Contact Reports
Contact Report
Finance Reports
Transactions Report
Promo Code Discount Report
Active & Creative Kids Voucher Report
Transactions Sold Report
Funds Received Report
Funds Received within Structure (Same Bank Account) - Braintree Report
Quick Report | Funds Received
Quick Report | Transactions
Additional information on items purchased with product
Member/Participant Reports
Advanced Member Report
Advanced Fitness Test Report
Member Summary Report
Advanced Concussion Report
Quick Report | Members in Current Season
Troubleshoot | Duplicate Members in Reports
Team Reports
Advanced Team Report
Quick Report | Team Players/Contacts Report
Tribunal Reports
Course Reports
Course Enrolments Report
National Accreditation Report
Module Non-Completion Report
Venue Reports
Quick Report | Venue Attendance
Contract Reports
Advanced Contract Report
GameDay View
GameDay View | Overview
GameDay View
How do I export GameDay View data?
Using GameDay View's 'Drill Mode'
How do I view a GameDay View widget as a table?
How do I view a GameDay View widget in full screen?
GameDay View | FAQs
Standard Websites
How do I access my Passport Website?
Content Manager | Overview
Website Editor | Overview
Widget Manager | Overview
Media Library | Overview
Competition Options | Overview
Website Editor
Manage Content
How do I upload a logo to my Website?
How do I add contact details to my Website?
How do I add a custom page to my Website?
How do I add a links page to my Website?
How do I edit a section in the Website Content Manager?
How do I add a Registration Form widget to my Website?
How do I find a Registration Form Number?
How do I find Fixtures, Results and Ladders on my Passport Website?
Manage Display
Manage Settings
How do I grant admin access to my Passport Website?
How do I redirect a private domain to by website?
Tips & Tricks
Tips for Using Standard Websites
Standard Website Design Tips
Standard Websites | FAQs
GameDay App
How do I download the GameDay App?
How do I login to the GameDay App?
How do I reset my password on the GameDay App?
How do I see my schedule in the GameDay App?
How do I search for teams in the GameDay App?
How do I view a team dashboard in the GameDay App?
How do I navigate the Match Centre in the GameDay App?
How do I view competition fixtures in the GameDay App?
How do I view a competition ladder in the GameDay App?
How do I view competition statistics in the GameDay App?
How do I reset my password on a registration form?
How do I register as a member?
How do I pay for a transaction using Stripe?
How do I pay for a transaction using BECS Direct Debit (Australia)?
How do I pay for a transaction using BECS Direct Debit (New Zealand)?
Which payment options can I use for my registration?
How do I register as a Team?
How do I register and invite teammates to my team?
Member Profile
How do I access my unique QR code through my Member Profile?
How do I edit my details through my Member Profile?
How do I remove my member profile from public view?
How do I view my playing history through my Member Profile?
How do I view my transaction history through my Member Profile?
How do I upload documents to my Member Profile?
How do I view my qualifications through my Member Profile?
How do I view my program enrolments through my Member Profile?
How do I view my playing statistics through my Member Profile?
How do I update my account email through my Member Profile?
How do I login to etrainu through my Member Profile?
Registrations | FAQs (Participants)
GameDay App | FAQ's
Schedula for Officials | Overview
Schedula for Administrators | Overview
Schedula | Administrators
Schedula | Pre-Appointment Checklist
How do I manage my Official Panels in Schedula?
How do I add a new Pay Period in Schedula?
How do I set up availability Regions in Schedula?
How do I add new Pay Rates in Schedula?
How do I appoint an Official to a match in Schedula?
How do I grant admin access to Schedula?
How do I reset my Schedula administrator password?
How do I view an Official's Schedula record?
How do I view an administrator's details in Schedula?
How do I modify an official's availability in Schedula?
How do I manage the Official payment process in Schedula?
How do I set up Automatic Appointments in Schedula?
How do I lock a match in Schedula?
How do I unlock a match in Schedula?
How do I lock fixtures in bulk through Schedula?
How do I send an email to my Officials in Schedula?
How do I send an SMS to my Officials in Schedula?
How do I modify Pay Period dates in Schedula?
Schedula Reports
Schedula MYOB Reports | Overview
Schedula | Officials
How do I reset my Schedula password?
How do I manage my availability as an Official in Schedula?
How do I find my upcoming and previous appointments as an Official in Schedula?
How do I download my Pay Advices as an Official in Schedula?
How do I view my Appointment History as an Official in Schedula?
How do I add my Bank Account details as an Official in Schedula?
How do I share my contact numbers with other Officials in Schedula?
How do I add a new Attribute to my Schedula profile?
How do I find my active and expired memberships in Schedula?
Schedula for Administrators | FAQs
GameDay App
GameDay App
How do I download the GameDay App?
How do I login to the GameDay App?
How do I see my schedule in the GameDay App?
How do I search for teams in the GameDay App?
How do I view a team dashboard in the GameDay App?
How do I navigate the Match Centre in the GameDay App?
How do I view competition fixtures in the GameDay App?
How do I view a competition ladder in the GameDay App?
How do I view competition statistics in the GameDay App?
Administators: How do I upload a logo for teams or my association?
GameDay App | FAQ's
Courtside App
Courtside App | Overview
Courtside App
Courtside App | User Manual
Courtside App | Quick Start Guide
Courtside App | Device specifications
Courtside App | Demo Details for Administrators
How do I install the Courtside App?
How do I login to the Courtside App?
How do I find a Venue ID for the Courtside App?
How do I find a Setup Key for the Courtside App?
How do I set up my Team List for the Courtside App?
How do I configure Officials for the Courtside App?
How do I enable a competition to be used in the Courtside App?
How do I find a list of Umpire Codes for the Courtside App?
How do I manually sync matches to the Courtside App?
How do I export Game Files for the Courtside App?
How do I send the Activity Log through the Courtside App?
How do I refresh my Team List in the Courtside App?
How do I check Player Tags in the Courtside App?
How do I add members who aren't on the available list through the Courtside App?
How do I report on confirmed referees from the Courtside App?
How do I report on players manually added to the Courtside App?
How do I set up competitions to allow players to be manually added to the Courtside App?
Courtside App | Troubleshooting
GameDay Marketplace
GameDay Marketplace | Overview
Team App
Team App | Export Reports
etrainu x GameDay Passport integration
How do I create a Course Product?
How do I create a Course Registration Form?
How do I create a Course Template?
How do I create a Course?
How do I login to etrainu through my Member Profile?
Rosterfy | Basic Member Export Report
Teammo Integration
TidyHQ Integration
How do I integrate my Mailchimp account with GameDay Passport?
Sport Specific Advice
Sport specific contact information
Getting set up with Livestats
Configuring Livestats on GameDay Passport
Livestats FAQ's
Basketball Australia
Aussie Hoops
Aussie Hoops: Program Flyers
Aussie Hoops: Printing Certificates at the end of your program
Aussie Hoops: Printing program attendance sheets
Aussie Hoops: Program Renewals
Aussie Hoops: Adding a widget to a standard website
Aussie Hoops: Adding a New Competition Coordinator
Aussie Hoops: Registration Link available at Centre level
Basketball Australia Membership Periods
Basketball Australia: Add Membership Period to Product
Basketball Australia: Manually Adjust Membership Period
Basketball Australia: Setting up renewal messages to a State Membership Period in a Product
Basketball Australia: Checking a member's Membership Period
Basketball Australia: Reporting on Membership Periods
Basketball Australia: Checking Unfinancial Players in a Membership Period
Basketball Australia: Association Product Secondary Pricing
Basketball Australia: How to add a Club product to a National Registration Form
Basketball Australia: Scoresheets
Basketball Australia: Checking Players in Multiple Clubs
Basketball Australia: Milestones Report
Basketball New Zealand
Basketball NZ: Accessing Registration Forms
Basketball NZ: Editing Registration Forms
Rugby League
RFL: Salary Cap Process
RFL: Rewards4 Rugby League FAQs
Football: Post-Game Results Entry
Football: MiniRoos Program Fulfillment
Football: Team Entry
Football: Define Starting Team
Football: Setting the Starting Team Limit
Football: Player Stats Validation
Football: Bulk Team Changes
Football: Across Association Clash Resolution
Football: Viewing accredited participants
Football Australia: Manually syncing members from PlayFootball
Football: Reporting on Sub On/Off Minutes
NZ Tag
How do I set up my Stripe account through Passport as a Sole Trader (New Zealand)?
Sport-Specific Configurations
Competition Configurations | Aussie Rules Football
Competition Configurations | Basketball
Competition Configurations | Baseball
Competition Configurations | Cricket
Competition Configurations | Downball
Competition Configurations | Football/Soccer & Futsal
Competition Configurations | Handball
Competition Configurations | Hockey
Competition Configurations | Ice Hockey
Competition Configurations | Lacrosse
Competition Configurations | Lawn Bowls
Competition Configurations | Netball
Competition Configurations | Rugby League
Competition Configurations | Rugby Union
Competition Configurations | Softball
Competition Configurations | Touch Football
Competition Configurations | Ultimate Frisbee
Competition Configurations | Volleyball
Competition Configurations | Water Polo
General Information
Stripe Customer Rollout Program: Information + FAQs
GameDay Passport UI/UX Refresh: New Layout
GameDay Passport New vs Old Layout Comparison
Database Levels & Functions
Access Levels
GameDay Chargeback Process
How often do settlements (funds received) get distributed to organisations?
Gender Identity Capability
General Support Information
VIC Get Active Kids Voucher Program
Troubleshooting Registrations
Troubleshooting Schedula
Teamsheet and Results Entry Troubleshooting
Exporting Game files from Courtside
Bulk Refunding Process
Report an issue
Using Passport in areas with poor internet coverage
System Status
Product Updates & Release Notes
Service Status
General Information
Database Levels & Functions
Last Modified on 01/08/2016 2:58 pm AEST
Database Levels and Functions
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