How do I manually add a payment to a member's record?


GameDay allows administrators to manually record a payment against a member's record, should they be unable to complete a payment through a registration form, and already existing in your membership database.


Step 1: Navigate to your member list

In the left-hand menu, click Members > LIST MEMBERS

Step 2: View the member

Find member to whom you want to add a payment, then click the VIEW (magnifying glass) icon to open their record

Step 3: Open the member's transactions list

On the member record, select TRANSACTIONS in the left-hand menu

Step 4: Add new transaction

Click Add Transaction, select the Product that you want to assign to the member, then click UPDATE TRANSACTION

Step 5: Pay for the transaction

Click Return to Transactions, then tick the Pay checkbox for the unpaid order you just created. You can then either process a manual payment, or process a live payment through our online credit card gateway by selecting PROCESS PAYMENT VIA PAYMENT GATEWAY
