As a member registering to a sport that uses Passport for registrations and payments, you can choose to pay using the Stripe payment gateway, which offers various payment options.
Once you reach the end of a registration form, you will see the option appear to securely enter your payment details through Stripe.
Step 1: Open your Registration Form
First, open the registration form supplied by your relevant sporting organisation. The location of an organisation's registration form is determined by the organisation and is not controlled by GameDay, so if you are unsure how to access their form, please contact the organisation directly.
Step 2: Complete the Basic Info and Questions tabs
As part of your registration, complete the information asked of you on the registration form, such as your name, date of birth, gender identity and any other custom information requested by the organisation.
Step 3: Select your Product(s)
When you reach the Products tab, select the product (fee) relevant to your registration. This will determine the amount you are required to pay as part of your registration.
Note: All information contained within the registration form such as questions and payable fees are defined by the organisation to whom you are registering. If you have any further questions or concerns about the registration process, please contact the organisation directly
Step 4: Pay using Stripe
Finally, select the Stripe payment gateway to securely complete your payment using one of the available payment methods