How do I create a Registration Form?


Creating a Registration Form allows you to set up your entire registration process through an end-to-end form builder, including the configuration of general settings, fields, layout and presentation, products, custom messaging, notifications and more.

To get started with the Registration Form setup process you will firstly need to add a new form.

Note: If you are part of a hierarchy, you can directly access any Registration Forms that have been created and shared with you from a higher level. In this instance, find your form in the Parent Body Forms section and click EDIT, then skip directly to step 2 below, or follow the steps outlined here.

Add a Registration Form

To add a new Registration Form, open the Registrations menu > select Registration Forms > click ADD NEW FORM

Configure the Form Settings

Complete the Settings tab. This will allow you to choose some basic Registration Form configurations, including:

Form Name: The name of your registration form as displayed to registrants

Type of Form: Please see our Registration Form Types article for further information

Form Status: If set to active, the form will be available for registrants to use. If set to inactive, the form will be unable to accept any registrations

Registration Start Date: Choose a date on which the form will automatically become available for registrations

Registration End Date: Choose a date on which the form will automatically become unavailable for registrations

Payment is Compulsory: When this option is selected and there is at least one mandatory product, registrants must pay online at the time of registration in order to complete the registration.

Allow Member to Register as: Choose which Member Types are selectable this form.

Allow multiple registration: This will allow multiple members to be registered in the same session.

Registration Options:

  • Allow all registrations: Anyone can register through this registration form.
  • Allow new registrations if not in the national system: Only members who aren't currently in the national database can register.
  • Allow new registrations only if in national system: Only members who are currently in the national database can register.
  • Allow existing members only: Only allows members who have previously registered through Passport.
  • Allow new registrations only: Only allows new members to register through this form.
  • Allow new only if already in the associationThis will allow new members to register, but only if they are already entered into the association database.

Colour Options: Allows you to apply a Primary, Secondary and Background colour scheme to the registration form.

Click CONTINUE when you are ready to move forward.

Add Fields to the Form

Use the Fields tab to apply display settings to any of the fields available to you in your database. This includes standard fields and custom fields.

Note: Fields are hierarchical, meaning that if a level above your organisation (e.g. National Body, State, Zone, Association etc.) has set a Field as Editable or Compulsory, it cannot be removed from your Registration Form and must be answered by participants. 

Each available field will appear here with a visibility setting along the top of the screen. Fields can be configured to display in several ways:

Hidden fields will not appear on the form at all

Read Only fields will display on the form if they have previously been answered by the user, but cannot be edited - only use this option if the answer to this field won't change (e.g Birth Certificate Number, Date of Birth etc.)

Editable fields will display on the form, and can be either answered or left blank by users

Compulsory fields will display on the form, and must be completed by users before saving

Add Only (Compulsory) fields will display as compulsory on the form if no previous answer has been given by that user, but they cannot be edited on subsequent registrations after they have submitted their answer

Click CONTINUE when you are ready to move forward.

Configure the Field Order

Use the Layout tab to configure the order in which your fields display on your registration form.

To arrange the order of your fields, click and drag the field and drop it to move it into a position on the form. It will save automatically. 

Note: If you are editing a Parent Body Form, any fields that have been added from a higher level will be locked, meaning you are unable to remove or change the order of those fields:

Create Additional Content Blocks (optional)

The Layout tab also allows you to add custom Text Blocks and Header Blocks on your registration form, using the ADD HEADER BLOCK or ADD TEXT BLOCK options

Enter your Block Label and Content. The Block Label will be the name of the Header/Text Block in the Layout tab, and the Block Content will be what displays on your registration form

Apply Field Display Rules (optional)

You also have the ability to apply Display Rules to specific fields. For example, you might want to hide Parent/Guardian fields from registrants over the age of 18, or hide a Telephone Number field from registrants under 18.

To add a display rule to a field, click the RULES button next to the corresponding field:

Choose to display the field to a specific gender or date of birth range. In the example shown below, we are applying a display rule based on the member's date of birth so that the Occupation field only displays to members that are over 18.

Set up Conditional Field Rules (optional)

Conditional Fields provide administrators greater flexibility over the way in which fields are displayed on a Registration Form, as well as providing a more concise user experience. It allows administrators to display certain fields on a form only if another question is answered, as that particular field may only be applicable to certain types of members.

Here, you can set Control Fields, which determine whether any subsequent fields are shown or hidden based on the user's response.

For example, I might want to apply a rule to my form that only shows the How many national games to you attend per season? question to members who stated that they are a member of a national team, therefore hiding it for those that aren't:

Note: For a field to be shown/hidden based on a control field, it must be ordered below the control field on the Layout tab

Add Products to the Form

The Products tab allows you to link previously created products to your registration form

You can use the ADD PRODUCTS TO FORM to attach any existing product to the form

The Mandatory checkbox option ensure products are pre-selected for members

For information on creating a Product, please see our Create a Product article

Set up Conditional Product Rules (optional)

Conditional Products, similar Conditional Fields, allow you to show or hide certain products that are attached to your form based on the users' response to a form question

For example, I might want to apply a rule to my form that only shows the Affiliation Fee (Seniors) product to members who stated that they are a member of a national team, therefore hiding it for those that aren't:

Add Custom Messages to the Form

The Messages tab allows you to add custom text throughout the registration form process to act as a guide for your members completing the form, including a dedicated section for Terms & Conditions.

The tabs along the top of the page represent different pages of the registration form, as well as an option to display an Unavailable Message which will display to members trying to access the form if it is inactive.

Note: Terms & Conditions can be added in the Questions tab and can be made mandatory in order to proceed through the registration process.

Configure your Notifications

The Notifications tab allows you to choose who should receive emails following a completed registration.

Note: You will need to ensure Organisation Contacts have been entered ensuring that the email is received as intended. For information on entering Contacts, please see our Contacts article

View the Form

You can view the front-end version of your form by clicking the VIEW FORM button at the top of the form editor at the level stipulated in the Form Type (I.e. 'Member to Association' forms can be opened at Association level)

Note: If you are logged into an Association or Club, you can also view your form by navigating to Registrations > Registration Forms > Click the VIEW link next to the applicable form.

This will open the front-end version of your registration form, allowing you to see exactly what your members will see when registering through the form