How do I create a Course Template?


A Course Template allows you to pre-define broad configurations that can be applied to any courses you set up, such as age validation and gender rules. It also allows you to choose which 'Member to Course' registration form for any courses that are attached to the template.

Your Course Templates will appear as the first selectable option when creating a new Course.


Step 1: Access Course Templates

Hover over the Courses menu and click COURSE TEMPLATES

Step 2: Add a New Course Template

Click ADD

Step 3: Enter the Course Template Details

Complete the following information to define your Course Template rules:

Course Template Details

  • Course Template Name: Assign a name to the Course Template
  • Default Course Name: Add a default name that will be pre-populated in the Course Name when creating a course
  • Active: Toggle the Course Template's active status on or off
  • Prerequisite Qualifications: Select a Qualification from your database (if applicable) that should be completed as a prerequisite before completing a course attached to this template

Age Details

  • Youngest/Oldest Suggested Age: Applies a guideline for administrators to understand the recommended age group of participants when creating a course from this template
  • Oldest DOB: Restricts participants from registering to a course if their date of birth is before this date
  • Allow Oldest DOB Exceptions: Toggling this option on overrides the Oldest DOB rule
  • Youngest DOB: Restricts participants from registering to a course if their date of birth is after this date
  • Allow Youngest DOB Exceptions: Toggling this option on overrides the Youngest DOB rule

Gender Details

  • Gender: Choose whether the course template allows registrations for all genders (mixed) or whether it is available to Male-only or Female-only

Session Details

  • Earliest Start Date: Assigning a date here ensures that any Programs created using this template cannot start before this date
  • Latest Start Date: Assigning a date here ensures that any Programs created using this template cannot start after this date

Step 4: Choose a Registration Form

  • Registration Form: Select the registration form that users will complete to register for the course

Step 5: Create the Course Template

