How do I assign members to Teams?

Assigning Members to a Team

To assign members to a team, they must first be registered and active at both the association and club level for the current season and assigned to the same club as the team.

1. From Association or Club level, click TEAMS in the left-hand menu. If you are a Team-level administrator, jump straight to step 3

2. The list of teams will appear. Locate the team you want to assign members to, then click the VIEW button next to the team

3. On the Team record, expand the Members menu and select MODIFY TEAM LIST

4. Use the ADD button next to a player in the Available Players List to move them to the Selected Players List. Available players are those currently registered with the club for the current season

Note: Make sure the filter is set to your association's current season to ensure the correct member list appears

5. When finished, click SAVE TEAM SELECTION

This allows you to auto-select these members in your Pre-Game Match Results page for specific matches using the Players registered to this team auto-select option