How do I assign a Registration Form Type when creating a new form?


As an administrator creating a new registration form, it's important to note the distinction between the different types of forms you have available. This is particularly important if you are part of a multi-tier hierarchy, as the different registration form types you have available t you will be more expansive the higher placed you are within that hierarchy.

Important Notes

It's important to remember a couple of things about Registration Form Types before reading on:

  1. Depending on your sport's configuration and your hierarchy level, you may not see all of the options below and may only have access to a specified selection of Registration Form Types when creating a form - for example, if you are a Club administrator, you will not have access to create Member to Association forms, as Associations are a higher level of your hierarchy. Please contact your sport's governing body or submit a support case with us if you would like further information about enabling any of the below options.

  2. Registration Form Types can only be assigned when creating a NEW form. Existing forms, once created, are locked with the selected Registration Form Type, as this influences form sharing across your hierarchy and is a crucial setting in determining how a member displays within your hierarchy, so allowing this option to be updated after a form has been created risks a lot of confusion among users. If you need to change the Registration Form Type after you've created a form, you will need to create a new form with the correct Registration Form Type selected. 

Registration Form Types

Below is a list of all the possible Registration Form Types you may have to choose from:

Member registering to an Association

Available to all users at Association-level and above.

Members who successfully register through a Member to Association form will be registered directly to the Association, and will be visible under Members > List Members at Association level only.

Member registering to a Club

Available to all users at Club-level and above.

Members who successfully register through a Member to Club form will be registered directly to the Club, and will be visible under Members > List Members at Association and Club level. 

Member registering to a Team 

Available to all users at Club-level and above.

Members who successfully register through a Member to Team form will be registered directly to a team database, and will be visible under Members > List Members at Association, Club and Team level.

Member registering to a Program/Course

Available only to users with the Programs or Courses feature enabled.

Members who successfully register through a Member to Program form are placed into a specific Program as configured by Associations who are using this functionality.

Team registering to an Association

Available to all users at Association level and above.

The Team to Association form allows team managers to register directly to a Competition run by the Association. The Team to Association form will register the Team directly into the selected Competition and the Association.

Teams that successfully register via this form will be visible at Association and Club level.


Step 1: Create a new Registration Form

In your left-hand menu, select Registrations > Registration Forms > Click the Add New Form button

Step 2: Select the relevant Registration Form Type

When creating a Registration Form, you are presented with a combination the following options in the Type of Form field. Select the option that fits with your registration form, considering the hierarchy level to which you want members to be assigned

Step 3: Complete the rest of your form, then Save

Finish setting up your registration form by progressing through each of the tabs available on the left-hand side of the form creator. You can follow a more comprehensive Registration Form creation guide here. Be sure to click SAVE once you're finished.