

How do I update my Organisation Logo?
Edit your organisation's Logo Follow these simple steps to change your organisations logo.     This is editable at Club and Association level.  1. From the dashboard page, click 'edit logo' 2. To add a logo click the Browse button and fi...
How do I update my Organisation Details?
The 'Details' section allows you to store and manage basic contact details and information about a club or association, including postal address, phone number and email. One of the first things you should do when setting up your team, club or assoc...
How do I add Organisation Contacts to my database?
In the Organisation Contacts section of each Passport database, you can enter details for key contacts and stakeholders within your organisation, such as committee members, administrators, or any other custom role you may want to record. Doing so ...
How do I recieve payment and registration notifications?
If an admin wants to recieve email notifications after members have paid and registered online, they can do so via settings these responsibilities within the contact section of the database. 1. Log into your club or association database. 2. On the...
How do I add a database Welcome Message?
Upon signing in to Membership, the 'Dashboard' will appear. Associations can add a welcome message to this screen that will also be seen by Clubs and Teams when they sign in to their database. The welcome message is therefore a good method of conve...