General Settings


How do I enable Dark Mode?
GameDay Passport now allows users to view and navigate the system using Dark Mode . Currently, the system defaults to Light Mode display. Dark Mode allows users to view the Passport interface through a darker palette to reduce exposure to blue ligh...
How do I manage my Lookup Information?
Note : this functionality is only available at league level. There are a wide range of fields throughout GameDay Membership where you select an option from a 'drop-down' list instead of typing in information.   These are called 'lookup' fields....
How do I check an organisation's Process Log?
The Process Log displays details of all database 'processes' conducted in the system for an association (eg. Player Stats Rebuild, Ladder Rebuild, Publish to Web).   The Process Log lists the following details:   The competition The process un...
How do I update an organisation's Permissions?
The Permissions area allows an association to set restrictions on the database options available to clubs, teams and members when they sign into Membership. It also allows associations to restrict the level of access available to their parent body ...
How do I create a Fitness Test?
If you are managing a database that includes athletes and participants whom you want to complete Fitness Tests as part of their involvement with your organisation, you can create your Fitness Testa directly within GameDay Passport and add them to a ...