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How do I upload a logo to my Website?
Your Passport Website allows you to upload a logo to appear across the website and in the header section which is visible when users are navigating around the site. 1. Access your club/league website . 2. Scroll down and click WEBSITE EDITOR ...
How do I add contact details to my Website?
Passport Websites allow administrators to enter their contact details as a new page on their site, including contact name, postal address, phone number, fax number, email address, website URL and any other custom notes. To add Contact Details to yo...
How do I add a custom page to my Website?
Passport Websites allow administrators to custom content as a new page on their site. To add a new page to your website: 1. Scroll down to the bottom of your website and click WEBSITE EDITOR 2. Click CONTENT MANAGER 3. In the Add Ne...
How do I add a links page to my Website?
Passport Websites allow administrators to enter a page dedicated to providing useful links to other websites or resources to their website. To add a Links page to your website: 1. Scroll down to the bottom of your website and click WEBSITE EDITOR...
How do I edit a section in the Website Content Manager?
Below are detailed examples of how to edit sections within your website: Editing Sections 1. Click  Content  Manager and then  Right click on a section to perform the following actions:   Activate/Hide - show/withhold an item from appearing...
How do I add a Registration Form widget to my Website?
 Before adding the registration form link to your website, you will need to go into your database and view the form, and copy the registration form URL. 1. Scroll to the bottom of your website and click 'Site Editor'.       2. Click 'Widget Man...
How do I find a Registration Form Number?
When adding a registration form to a club site, you will be prompted to enter the registration form number. This can be found by following these simple steps: 1. Within your database, click the drop-down arrow under Registrations > click REGISTR...
How do I find Fixtures, Results and Ladders on my Passport Website?
How to Find Fixtures, Results, and Ladders on Your Passport Website Each Passport Website allows you to view published fixtures, results, and ladders from your Association's Passport database. Follow these steps to locate this information on the ...