Schedula | Administrators

Learn more about managing your organisation's official appointments through Schedula


Schedula | Pre-Appointment Checklist
As a Schedula administrator, you can manage your end-to-end official appointment process and make use of the platform-integrated calendar and communication facilities. If you're new to Schedula, the below checklist will help you understand the diff...
How do I manage my Official Panels in Schedula?
As a Schedula administrator, you can group your officials into custom Official Panels, allowing you to easily make appointments based on specific groupings within your organisation's official structure. To add a new Official Panel and assign offici...
How do I add a new Pay Period in Schedula?
As a Schedula administrator, you can define specific date ranges known as Pay Periods , which act as a custom payment cycle and tells the system which officials are due to be paid based on the matches to which they are appointed. Note : Matches ...
How do I set up availability Regions in Schedula?
Schedula provides Associations the ability to define Regions that officials can make themselves available to, which is a defined by a collection of venues within your organisation. The aim of Availability Regions is to enable administrators to bette...
How do I add new Pay Rates in Schedula?
Schedula allows administrators to define customise Pay Rates to allow the system to calculate how much an official is owed when appointed to a match. Pay Rates are based on a number of variables including the competition, official type, and number o...
How do I appoint an Official to a match in Schedula?
As a Schedula administrator, one of your most important tools is the ability to manually appoint your officials to matches. This process ensures that each match in your league's fixture has sufficient official resourcing, allows you to report on a...
How do I grant admin access to Schedula?
As a Schedula administrator, you have the ability to grant access to other users to login and manage your database of officials. Note : In order to grand admin access, the user must already exist as an Official in your Schedula database To gran...
How do I reset my Schedula administrator password?
As a Schedula administrator, you can update your password within the Schedula interface by following the steps below: 1. Open the menu using the Burger icon, then, click Schedula Profile > MANAGE YOUR PROFILE 2. At the top of the page, cl...
How do I view an Official's Schedula record?
As a Schedula administrator, you can access any officials that have registered in your Passport database and fed through to Schedula. This allows you to view any information the official has provided, including their general details, contact details...
How do I view an administrator's details in Schedula?
Using  the  Schedula  database, you can view and manage your user's account details, including their login username/email, account status and previous login history. Note : You can generate a Login Report from the Reports menu, which will as...
How do I modify an official's availability in Schedula?
As an administrator, you have the ability to view and adjust the availability settings for officials registered with your organisation. This is helpful if your official is unable to login to their Schedula account to update their availability and ne...
How do I manage the Official payment process in Schedula?
Schedula provides organisations with the ability to use appointment information to generate payment reports to pay officials, and club invoices to collect fees from clubs. Schedula is able to generate the following reports to assist in this process:...
How do I set up Automatic Appointments in Schedula?
Schedula provides organisations with the ability automatically appoint match officials based on certain criteria. Allowing Schedula to automatically appoint match officials can reduce the amount of time it takes for an administrator to finalise appo...
How do I lock a match in Schedula?
Locking a fixture in Schedula allows you to finalise any appointments of officials and, using your organisation's Pay Rates and Pay Periods, finalises the amount owed to each official for officiating that specific match. To lock a specific match in...
How do I unlock a match in Schedula?
Unlocking a fixture in Schedula allows you to make any adjustments to your Pay Rates and Pay Periods where they pertain to a specific match before processing the relevant Pay Period. Note: Matches can only be unlocked if the match is in a pay pe...
How do I lock fixtures in bulk through Schedula?
As a Schedula administrator, fixtures need to be locked in order to process your Pay Periods and facilitate the official payment process. Whilst fixtures can be locked individually, you can speed up the process by locking multiple fixtures at once t...
How do I send an email to my Officials in Schedula?
Schedula allows administrators to quickly and easily send an email communication to officials based on certain criteria. To send an email to your officials through Schedula: 1. In the left-hand menu, select Communications > SEND EMAIL MESSAGES ...
How do I send an SMS to my Officials in Schedula?
Schedula allows administrators to send customised SMS communications to officials based on certain criteria. Note : Sending SMS messages through Schedula requires the organisation to purchase SMS credits. Please contact GameDay Support directly...
How do I modify Pay Period dates in Schedula?
If you need to modify the dates of one of your pay periods (perhaps you weren’t able to lock the matches in time before the end of the pay period), you can change the dates of that pay period directly through your Schedula account. You can only do ...