Schedula | Officials

Learn more about managing your availability and checking your official appointments through Schedula


How do I reset my Schedula password?
As a Schedula user, you can update your password within the Schedula interface by following the steps below: 1. Open the menu using the Burger icon, then, click Schedula Profile > MANAGE YOUR PROFILE 2. At the top of the page, click  CHAN...
How do I manage my availability as an Official in Schedula?
A core feature of Schedula is the ability for officials to self-manage their availability online. This allows coaches and appointment officers to see who is available for matches, and significantly reduces the workload for all involved. Managing you...
How do I find my upcoming and previous appointments as an Official in Schedula?
On the Schedula dashboard, officials can see their upcoming or previous appointments, including the match dates, times, and venues, other officials appointed to the match, and the option to confirm or decline any pending appointments. Your upcoming...
How do I download my Pay Advices as an Official in Schedula?
As an official, you can quickly and easily download Pay Advices from your account to reconcile the payments you have received from officiating. To download a Pay Advice in Schedula: 1. Login to Schedula, then direct your attention to the Unread P...
How do I view my Appointment History as an Official in Schedula?
As an official using Schedula, you can see a log of any previous appointments and fixtures you have officiated using the steps below: 1. Login to Schedula, and scroll down to the Previous Appointments section. This will show your last five appoin...
How do I add my Bank Account details as an Official in Schedula?
As a Schedula user, adding an Attribute to your profile allows you to nominate the bank account into which you want to receive your official payments. To add a new Bank Account Attribute to your Schedula profile: 1. Open the menu using the Burge...
How do I share my contact numbers with other Officials in Schedula?
Schedula provides officials with the ability to share phone numbers with other officials online. By sharing your details, others can contact you to either arrange a car pool or contact another official if someone is running late. Sharing a phone num...
How do I add a new Attribute to my Schedula profile?
As a Schedula user, adding an Attribute to your profile allows you to provide additional information to your Official record, including any Medical Conditions, Accreditations, and Occupation, and it also allows you to nominate the bank account int...
How do I find my active and expired memberships in Schedula?
As a Schedula user, you can see any active or expired memberships you have with relevant organisations through your online Schedula profile. To find a list of your Active and Expire Memberships in Schedula: 1. Open the menu using the Burger icon, ...