Basketball Australia Membership Periods


Basketball Australia: Add Membership Period to Product
NOTE:  this functionality is only available for Basketball Australia affiliates that use Basketball Australia's National Registration System. A Membership Period   is the period of time a member is registered to the State or Region governin...
Basketball Australia: Manually Adjust Membership Period
NOTE :  Membership Period can only be manually adjusted by a state level administrator If a Membership Period is incorrect, please contact your state administrator to manually change it in the member's record. From the member's record, hover...
Basketball Australia: Setting up renewal messages to a State Membership Period in a Product
NOTE:   This functionality is only available for Basketball Australia affiliates that use Basketball Australia's National Registration System. A Membership Period   is the period of time that a member is registered to the State or Region go...
Basketball Australia: Checking a member's Membership Period
As an Association, you can view Membership Periods for members.  There are a number of places where you can see Membership information. Note:  Administrators are unable to change the Membership Period. From the Member's Dashboard Find the memb...
Basketball Australia: Reporting on Membership Periods
You can report on Membership Periods using the Advanced Members report.  If you are unsure how to run this report, please see Advanced Member Report . In the list of fields, there is a section called Membership Period where you will find the fie...
Basketball Australia: Checking Unfinancial Players in a Membership Period
Associations get notified when players become unfinancial.  This allows you to contact them about renewals. On the right side of the Dashboard , there are notifications. In the Notifications  section, you will see links to notifications when ...
Basketball Australia: Association Product Secondary Pricing
Secondary Pricing Fees  Associations have the option to offer a secondary price for their association fees to members who have already paid for state fees in another association.  The secondary pricing fee will appear on a registration form if t...