Clearances, Permits and Transfers

Learn more about transferring members between organisations


How do I search and request a clearance by organisation?
Clearances must be initiated at the club level of the database. It needs to be requested from the ''destination club'' the club the player wants to transfer to 1. From the club level menu, click on the drop down arrow against Members and se...
How do I search and request a clearance by member name
Clearances must be instigated from the club level of the database. It needs to be requested from the ''destination club'' - the club the player wants to transfer to. 1. From the club level menu, click on the drop down arrow against Members an...
How do I search and request a clearance by National Number/Member ID?
Note : Clearances must be initiated at the club level of the database. It needs to be requested from the ''destination club'' - the club the player wants to transfer to 1. From the club level menu, click on the drop down arrow against Members...
How do I approve or deny a clearance?
1. From menu, click the drop down arrow against, Members and select List Online Transfers . 2. Click on the drop down against the status column. This will open up all clearances and permits that are ready to be approve or denied at your lev...
How do I cancel a clearance?
GameDay Passport administrators can cancel a clearance request through the online clearance list in their database. This can be done either by an administrator from the requesting club-level database, or from a higher level organisation within t...
How do I apply clearance rules to my organisation?
There are a number of rules that Associations can apply to how clearances are managed. For example, rather than manually approving or denying every clearance that is requested, associations can automatically approve or deny certain types of clearan...
How do I define clearance reason/denial options?
If your organisation will have specific reasons why members can be approved and denied for clearances then you can set these up, so they can be selected when approving and denying clearances. Some reasons can be: player has moved interstate playe...
Clearance/Permit Process
The player clearance/permit process includes the following parties: The player: the player being transferred from one club to another The source club: the club the player is leaving The destination club: the new club the player is moving into ...
How do I view a list of clearances for my organisation?
To access the Clearances List and the various clearance options available:   1. Log into your relevant club or association level. 2. Click the drop down arrow against MEMBERS > LIST ONLINE TRANSFERS/CLEARANCES. 3. The list of transfers...
Clearances List Overview
From the Clearances List, an association can see all clearances that have been completed and clearances that are currently in progress. A description of each column of the Clearances table is provided below:   Name : The name of the player invo...
How do I re-send a clearance email to a member?
If a member from a transfer did not receive an email to complete their registration, you have the ability to be able to re-submit this transfer to get this registration email resent out to the email address linked to the members profile. Please n...
How do I transfer members between clubs in bulk?
In some scenarios, administrators have the ability to transfer members from one club to another in bulk directly through Passport. This process is initiated within the database of the club you are transferring members from , and allows you to spe...