Member/Participant Reports

Learn how to build reports to analyse your membership data


Advanced Member Report
The advanced member report will allow you to collate any or all information that is collected from your members on your registration form/clearance process. You can create it and adjust it to your liking.     1. Click on Reports in the menu to ...
Advanced Fitness Test Report
If you are conducting Fitness Tests through GameDay Passport, you can report on any recorded tests using the Advanced Fitness Test report. To run an Advanced Fitness Test Report: 1. In the left-hand menu, click REPORTS 2. Select the MEMBE...
Member Summary Report
As an organisation using Passport to take registrations for your membership, programs or courses; you can access information related to your summarised member numbers broken down by specific categories using a Member Summary Report . To run a Memb...
Advanced Concussion Report
The Advanced Concussion Report is designed to provide administrators with a list of all recorded concussions. Concussions can be recorded directly in Passport either through a Member Record or when entering Post Game Match Results . Note :...
Quick Report | Members in Current Season
A quick way to find a report of all members registered to the current season for your organisation is to use the Quick Report: Members in Current Season option To access this report: 1. On the left-hand menu, click REPORTS 2. Select ...
Troubleshoot | Duplicate Members in Reports
When you are customising and running your reports, you may notice that certain field inputs create a duplication of participants. This is by design, and is in place as a way of providing you with all the data you have configured on your report. F...